Friday, December 28, 2012

20 Things to Accomplish

So for my first list, let’s go right to it with some things I’d like to accomplish. Not necessarily a bucket list, but close enough. Some of these will get used on other lists, but you gotta start somewhere…

20 Things to Accomplish:

1. Learn to play bagpipes seriously
2. Learn to fly (in school it was a dream, but it has gone pretty backburner as I’ve gotten older)
3. Play piano in a dueling piano place
4. Compose original songs including lyrics
5. Record an album of my own songs with a band
6. Go on a band tour
7. Turn an old UHaul (or similar truck) into a mobile home - do a little urban bushwacking
8. Build a strawbale house
9. Build a small home like the Tumbleweed homes (
10. Start a small farm
11. Become self-sufficient
12. Raise chickens, rabbits and tilapia (personal livestock)
13. Build a small, productive aquaponics system (a sustainable food growth method)
14. Teach/mentor a band of teens
15. Implement my merit badge summer idea - I'll put details on this somewhere soon.
16. Work in a summer camp for youth
17. Spend some time busking (trombone, recorder, keytar, guitar, etc – I’m not really too picky) - fyi, Busking is street performing
18. Write a book on GIS (Geographic Information Systems)
19. Teach high school band
20. Trace my family history  to at least prior to the US – all lines

1 comment:

  1. It has been awhile since I reviewed the list. So a few are completed.
    4 - Actually, I completed one a few years ago, and it was ok. I have another that I had a choruis, but couldn't get further, so I found a lyricist to help me, and we finished the song and I'm pretty happy with it. So that's two. I want to finish an album - 10 - songs within a year.
    7 - I have a van and it's in process. I have used it as a minimalist RV. I worked a few weeks in Kansas city, so I used the van to travel and stay in. I haven't built it out, but I had a cot and a makeshift kitchen. I even got a Mr Buddy heater to keep me warm on the snowy nights. I'm have solar panels and insulation to mount. Time to get busy.
    14 - I've done this somewhat while doing Rock and Roll High School, but I'm not satisfied yet. It will come.
    15 - I did that a few years ago at a Stake Scout Camp. Only a few really participated at all, but I saw that it was possible. I'll have to rethink this with the changes in Scouting and my non-participation.
    16 - Well, I was an assistant, and then 2 years as Camp Director for National Youth Leadership Training Camps, so check.
    Time to get busy on some of the other items.
